中国高校2020年新加坡线上引才宣讲会 On 14 4 月, 202014 4 月, 2020 By admin 高校宣讲会在线注册姓名name *邮箱Email *性别Gender *男Male女Female出生日期Date of Birth 籍贯Native place *本科毕业高校Undergraduate University *本科毕业时间 Graduation Time *博士毕业高校Doctor Graduated University *博士毕业时间Graduation Time *现工作单位Workplace *职位Title *专业领域Academic Areas *意向岗位Applied Position *助理教授Assistant Professor副教授Associate Professor教授Professor青千Young Thousand Plan第一作者发表文章数First author Publications *1-23-56-99 and above微信号Wechat 手机号Phone number 您能否参加?Attendance *是的,我会参加 Yes抱歉,我无法参加No说明或建议Instruction or Suggestions 验证码Verification请输入任意两个数字Please enter any two digits *例如Example: 12This box is for spam protection - <strong>please leave it blank</strong>: